Be Healthy Bucks Support

Earn extra points and sign up to a healthier you

Be Healthy Bucks is the healthy lifestyle service for anyone who lives or has a GP in Buckinghamshire. They can support you with losing weight.

If you would like to sign up visit their website.

Earn 2,000 BetterPoints when you sign up and attend your first session. There are twelve sessions in total, you will earn an additional 2,000 points when you have completed your 6th and 12th sessions.

Sign up to earn rewards for being active, taking the bus and looking after your wellbeing.

To join BetterPoints Bucks simply download the free BetterPoints app via the buttons or QR below and tap Challenges to get started.

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Earn rewards for being active and improving your health and wellbeing.

Mobile phone with betterpoints app.